

Borys Dejnarowicz was born in 1983 in Warsaw, Poland. Writing songs and home-recording
music since he was seven, he eventually co-founded the indie-rock outfit The Car Is On Fire
in late 2001 as the main vocalist, guitarist and keyboard player. With him aboard the group
released two CDs -- The Car Is On Fire (2005), almost entirely consisting of his songs, and
Lake & Flames (2006), where he contributed (musically and lyrically) to about half of the
material. Both of the albums met with local critical acclaim. In 2007 he quit the band due
to personal issues and started a solo career. Divertimento (2008) is the first album under
his own name. He is also the initiator and member of a production team CNC.

Borys Dejnarowicz urodzil sie w 1983 roku w Warszawie. W wieku lat siedmiu zaczal pisac
piosenki i nagrywal je w warunkach domowych, az wreszcie wspol-zalozyl indie-rockowa formacje
The Car Is On Fire pod koniec roku 2001, jako glowny wokalista, gitarzysta i klawiszowiec. Z
nim zespol wydal dwa krazki -- The Car Is On Fire (2005), prawie w calosci skladajacy sie
z jego piosenek, i Lake & Flames (2006), gdzie stworzyl (muzycznie i tekstowo) okolo polowe
materialu. Oba albumy spotkaly sie z przychylna reakcja polskich krytykow. W 2007 odszedl z
zespolu z powodow osobistych i rozpoczal kariere solowa. Divertimento (2008) to jego
pierwszy autorski album. Jest on rowniez pomyslodawca i czlonkiem ekipy producenckiej CNC.