

APRIL 2009

Monday, April 5, 2009

Hi people!

The spring has sprung as folks say!

And so the new is coming. A couple weeks ago the sessions for my brand new album started in Nie Wyjdzie Studio near Warsaw. The recording is engineered by Peter Bergstrand and the studio line-up generally consists of my musical friends (great musicians by the way). I also predict interesting guest appearances from some of Polish indie scene's key figures, but it's a bit too early to speak about specific names.

As for the material, it was mostly written during Autumn of 2007, quite simultaneously with Divertimento. Out of more than twenty songs I chose twelve (and I tell you, it was often a very painful choice) that I find the best and that complement each other well. Total time is around forty minutes.

While it's decidedly too soon to talk about the forthcoming record's sound or style, for now I will describe it this way, if you know what I mean, haha.

So it seems that in a couple of months the album should be ready. I'll keep you informed about more details from time to time.

Take care!

Czesc wam!

The spring has sprung, jak to mowia!

I nadchodzi nowe. Pare tygodni temu w Nie Wyjdzie Studio pod Warszawa rozpoczely sie sesje do mojego zupelnie nowego albumu. Nagrania realizuje Peter Bergstrand, a sklad studyjny to ogolnie rzecz biorac moi muzyczni przyjaciele (wspaniali muzycy, swoja droga). Przewiduje tez interesujace goscinne wystepy niektorych kluczowych postaci polskiej sceny indie, ale na razie jest zbyt wczesnie by wymieniac konkretne nazwiska.

Co do materialu, to w wiekszosci byl napisany jesienia 2007, wlasciwie jednoczesnie z Divertimento. Z ponad dwudziestu piosenek wybralem dwanascie (a zapewniam, ze czesto byl to bolesny wybor), ktore uwazam za najlepsze i najlepiej do siebie pasujace. Dlugosc to okolo czterdziestu minut.

Jakkolwiek jeszcze nie pora na mowienie o brzmieniu czy stylu nadchodzacej plyty, na teraz opisalbym ja w ten sposob, jesli wiecie co mam na mysli, haha.

Wyglada wiec na to, ze w ciagu paru miesiecy album powinien byc gotowy. Bede informowal o kolejnych szczegolach od czasu do czasu.

Trzymajcie sie!