


Monday, October 26, 2009

It seems more than likely now that I will not be given to finish my sophomore record before the end of the year; look out for it in the Spring of 2010. However, November 16 will see the release of the debut outing of CNC, a project I've had the pleasure and the privilege of co-creating alongside Piotr Maciejewski (Drivealone, Muchy). The album is called No Mood, and you can learn more about it by clicking here.

To juz niemal pewne: nie zdaze skonczyc drugiej solowej plyty w 2009. Wiosna 2010 to realny termin premiery. Ale już 16 listopada ukaze sie debiutancki material formacji CNC, ktora mam przyjemnosc wspoltworzyc z Piotrem Maciejewskim (Drivealone, Muchy). Wydawnictwo zatytulowane jest No Mood. Wiecej informacji na jego temat tutaj.